Welcome to the Plendi Lounge - Step Through the Door, Have a Seat, and Start Saving!

As a valued member of our community, you’re about to be spoiled with incredible offers, discounts, and invitations to special events!

  • Step 1

    Check Your Email

    Check your inbox for an email from
    “Plendi Skin” with a subject line about
    your account activation.

  • Step 2

    Verify Your Email Address

    Simply click the button provided in
    the email to activate your Plendi
    Lounge account!

  • Step 3

    Start Earning Tokens!

    Enter your account page and start
    shopping to start accumulating tokens.
    And don’t forget to refer your friends!

Here’s What You’re Now Eligible for in the Lounge!

  • Standard shipping discounts
  • Welcome and birthday celebration tokens
  • Tokens for buying and reviewing products
  • Tokens for following us on Instagram and Facebook
  • Coupon for referring friends and family who purchase
  • Ability to earn and redeem tokens for products
  • Ability to donate tokens to causes that support our values

…and more!

  • Earn a percentage of revenue
    generated through your efforts

  • Be included in future product
    development and testing

  • Get early access to new

  • Be honoured as a VIP guest at
    our social enterprise events

…and of course, enjoy the other perks that come with being in the Plendi Lounge!

Remember, the More You Spend, the More You Earn…

Have You Stocked up on Outback Mud Masks?

Now that you’re a member of the Plendi Lounge, you will be rewarded for every single purchase you make. So head on over to the cart and get yourself and some lucky friends the best mud mask available in Australia.

Shop Now and Start Earning Rewards!